AnyEvent::TermKey(3) terminal key input using libtermkey with AnyEvent


use AnyEvent::TermKey qw( FORMAT_VIM KEYMOD_CTRL );
use AnyEvent;

my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

my $aetk = AnyEvent::TermKey->new(
term => \*STDIN,

on_key => sub {
my ( $key ) = @_;

print "Got key: ".$key->termkey->format_key( $key, FORMAT_VIM )."\n";

$cv->send if $key->type_is_unicode and
$key->utf8 eq "C" and
$key->modifiers & KEYMOD_CTRL;



This class implements an asynchronous perl wrapper around the "libtermkey" library, which provides an abstract way to read keypress events in terminal-based programs. It yields structures that describe keys, rather than simply returning raw bytes as read from the TTY device.

It internally uses an instance of Term::TermKey to access the underlying C library. For details on general operation, including the representation of keypress events as objects, see the documentation on that class.

Proxy methods exist for normal accessors of "Term::TermKey", and the usual behaviour of the "getkey" or other methods is instead replaced by the "on_key" event.


$aetk = AnyEvent::TermKey->new( %args )

This function returns a new instance of a "AnyEvent::TermKey" object. It takes the following named arguments:
term => IO or INT
Optional. File handle or POSIX file descriptor number for the file handle to use as the connection to the terminal. If not supplied "STDIN" will be used.
on_key => CODE
CODE reference to the key-event handling callback. Will be passed an instance of a "Term::TermKey::Key" structure:

 $on_key->( $key )


$tk = $aetk->termkey

Returns the "Term::TermKey" object being used to access the "libtermkey" library. Normally should not be required; the proxy methods should be used instead. See below.

$flags = $aetk->get_flags

$aetk->set_flags( $flags )

$canonflags = $aetk->get_canonflags

$aetk->set_canonflags( $canonflags )

$msec = $aetk->get_waittime

$aetk->set_waittime( $msec )

$str = $aetk->get_keyname( $sym )

$sym = $aetk->keyname2sym( $keyname )

( $ev, $button, $line, $col ) = $aetk->interpret_mouse( $key )

$str = $aetk->format_key( $key, $format )

$key = $aetk->parse_key( $str, $format )

$key = $aetk->parse_key_at_pos( $str, $format )

$cmp = $aetk->keycmp( $key1, $key2 )

These methods all proxy to the "Term::TermKey" object, and allow transparent use of the "AnyEvent::TermKey" object as if it was a subclass. Their arguments, behaviour and return value are therefore those provided by that class. For more detail, see the Term::TermKey documentation.


Paul Evans <[email protected]>