ap(5) Alliance physical format


file ::=

version ::= 'V ALLIANCE 2.2 SETUP : ' version_number

header ::= 'H ' name ',' file_type ',' abindex ',' nb_desc
           ',' date ',' index_beg ',' link_mode ','
           bounding_box ',' [ abutment_box ]
   /* name         : name of the figure                   */
   /* file_type    : type of the file                     */
   /* abindex      : index of the abutment box            */
   /* nb_desc      : number of descriptors                */
   /* date         : saving file date                     */
   /* index_beg    : index of the begining of the linkage */
   /* link_mode    : indication on the linkage            */
   /*                (update or not)                      */
   /* bounding_box : coordinates and size of the          */
   /*                bounding box                         */
   /* abutment_box : coordinates and size, if defined,    */
   /*                of the abutment box                  */

connectors ::= { connector }

connector ::= 'C ' index ',' x ',' y ',' w ',' orientation
              ',' layer ',' name ',' connector_type ','
              nextindex ',' endnet
   /* x, y, w  : coordinates and size of the connector    */
   /* orientation    : north, south, east, or west        */
   /* layer          : layer of the connector             */
   /* name           : name of the connector              */
   /* connector_type : input or output or ...             */
   /* nextindex      : next index in the linkage          */
   /* endnet         : end in the linkage of the net      */

segments ::= { segment }

segment ::= 'S ' index ',' x ',' y ',' d ',' w ',' direction
            ',' layer ',' name ',' nextindex ',' endnet
   /* x, y, d, w    : coordinates and size of the segment */
   /* direction     : horizontaly or verticaly            */
   /* layer         : layer of the segment                */
   /* name          : name of the segment                 */
   /* nextindex     : next index in the linkage           */
   /* endnet        : end in the linkage of the net       */

instances ::= { instance [ connectors ] }
   /* In case of updated linkage, an instance is followed */
   /* by his connectors                                   */

instance ::= 'I ' index ',' x ',' y ',' instance_name ','
             model_name ',' geoop ',' nextindex ',' endnet
   /* x, y           : coordinates of the instance        */
   /* instance_name  : local name of the instance         */
   /* model_name     : name of the model                  */
   /* geoop          : geometric operation                */
   /* nextindex      : next index in the linkage          */
   /* endnet         : end in the linkage of the net      */

transistors ::= { transistor }

transistor ::= 'T ' index ',' x ',' y ',' instance_name ','
               trans_name ',' geoop ',' nextindex ',' endnet
   /* x, y           : coordinates of the transistor      */
   /* instance_name  : name of the instance               */
   /* trans_name     : generic name of the transistor     */
   /* geoop          : geometric operation                */
   /* nextindex      : next index in the linkage          */
   /* endnet         : end in the linkage of the net      */

patterns ::= { pattern }

pattern ::= 'M ' index ',' x ',' y ',' instance_name ','
            pattern_name ',' int_index ',' nextindex ','
   /* x, y          : coordinates of the pattern          */
   /* instance_name : name of the instance of the pattern */
   /* pattern_name  : name of the pattern                 */
   /* int_index     : internal index of the pattern       */
   /* nextindex     : next index in the linkage           */
   /* endnet        : end in the linkage of the net       */

end_of_file ::= 'EOF'

version_number ::= number

file_type ::= 'P'

abindex ::= index

nb_desc ::= number

date ::= day '/' month '/' year

index_beg ::= index

index ::= number

link_mode ::= 'A JOUR' | 'PAS A JOUR'
   /* updated, not updated */

bounding_box ::= x ',' y ',' dx ',' dy

abutment_box ::= x ',' y ',' dx ',' dy

x ::= number

y ::= number

d ::= number
   /* lenght */

w ::= number
   /* width */

dx ::= number

dy ::= number

direction ::= 'H' | 'V'
   /* horizontaly or verticaly */

orientation ::= 'NORD' | 'SUD' | 'EST' | 'OUEST'
   /* North, south, east, west */

layer ::= 'POLY' | 'ALU1' | 'ALU2' | 'DIFN' | 'DIFP' |
          'T_ALU1' | 'T_ALU2' | 'CAISSON_N' | 'CAISSON_P'
   /* poly       : polysilicium                           */
   /* alu1       : first metal                            */
   /* alu2       : second metal                           */
   /* difn       : N diffusion                            */
   /* difp       : P diffusion                            */
   /* t_alu1     : first metal through route              */
   /* t_alu2     : second metal through route             */
   /* caisson_n  : N bulk                                 */
   /* caisson_p  : P bulk                                 */

connector_type ::= 'IN' | 'OUT' | 'INOUT'

nextindex ::= index

endnet ::= 'NON' | 'FIN'
   /* non        : not the end of the net                 */
   /* fin        : end of the net                         */

model_name ::= name

instance_name ::= name

geoop ::= 'NOSYM' | 'ROT_P' | 'ROT_M' | 'SYM_X' | 'SYM_Y' |
          'SYMXY' | 'SY_RP' | 'SY_RM'
   /* nosym  : no operation                               */
   /* rot_p  : rotates 90 degrees counter clockwise       */
   /* rot_m  : rotates 90 degrees clockwise               */
   /* sym_y  : y becomes -y                               */
   /* sym_x  : x becomes -x                               */
   /* symxy  : x becomes -x and y becomes -y              */
   /* sy_rp  : y becomes -y then rotates 90 degrees       */
   /*          counter clockwise                          */
   /* sy_rm  : y becomes -y then rotates 90 degrees       */
   /*          clockwise                                  */

trans_name ::= 'T' transistor_type '_' d '_' w

pattern_name ::= 'CONT_POLY' | 'CONT_DIF_N' | 'CONT_DIF_P' |
                 'CONT_VIA' | 'C_X_N' | 'C_X_P' | 'REF_CON'
                 | 'REF_REF'
   /* cont_poly  : poly alu1 contact                      */
   /* cont_dif_n : alu1 difn contact                      */
   /* cont_dif_p : alu1 difp contact                      */
   /* cont_via   : alu2 alu1 contact                      */
   /* c_x_n      : L shaped N transistor corner filling   */
   /* c_x_p      : L shaped P transistor corner filling   */
   /* ref_con    : kind of reference, for multi-acces     */
   /*              connectors                             */
   /* ref_ref    : kind of reference, for all other uses  */

int_index ::= index

transistor_type ::= 'P' | 'N'

number ::= { '0' | '1'| '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' |
             '6' | '7'| '8' | '9' }

name ::= word


Example 1

This example is the physical design of a nand with two input. See example 1 in the description of alc logical format for more details.

H na2_y,P,10,66,25/10/91,-1,PAS A JOUR,0,0,28,53,5,3,18,42
C 0,20,45,2,NORD,ALU2,i0,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 1,14,45,2,NORD,ALU2,f,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 2,8,45,2,NORD,ALU2,i1,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 3,20,3,2,SUD,ALU2,i0,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 4,14,3,2,SUD,ALU2,f,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 5,8,3,2,SUD,ALU2,i1,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 6,23,43,8,EST,ALU1,vdd,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 7,5,43,8,OUEST,ALU1,vdd,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 8,5,5,8,OUEST,ALU1,vss,INOUT,-1,FIN
C 9,23,5,8,EST,ALU1,vss,INOUT,-1,FIN
S 11,5,5,18,8,H,ALU1,vss,-1,FIN
S 12,8,2,12,2,H,DIFP,*,-1,FIN
S 13,8,27,11,3,V,DIFP,*,-1,FIN
S 14,20,27,11,3,V,DIFP,*,-1,FIN
S 15,20,22,6,2,V,ALU1,*,-1,FIN
S 16,19,22,1,2,H,ALU1,*,-1,FIN
S 17,5,43,18,8,H,ALU1,vdd,-1,FIN
S 18,8,33,10,2,V,ALU1,vdd,-1,FIN
S 19,8,22,6,2,V,ALU1,*,-1,FIN
S 20,8,22,1,2,H,ALU1,*,-1,FIN
S 21,14,30,5,2,V,ALU1,*,-1,FIN
S 22,14,13,17,1,V,ALU1,*,-1,FIN
S 23,14,13,6,1,H,ALU1,*,-1,FIN
S 24,17,22,2,2,H,POLY,*,-1,FIN
S 25,17,20,5,1,V,POLY,*,-1,FIN
S 26,9,22,2,2,H,POLY,*,-1,FIN
S 27,11,20,5,1,V,POLY,*,-1,FIN
S 28,8,45,12,2,H,DIFN,*,-1,FIN
S 29,5,39,18,26,H,CAISSON_N,*,-1,FIN
S 30,8,7,11,3,V,DIFN,*,-1,FIN
S 31,8,3,42,2,V,ALU2,i1,-1,FIN
S 32,14,3,42,2,V,ALU2,f,-1,FIN
S 33,14,27,11,3,V,DIFP,*,-1,FIN
S 34,20,7,11,3,V,DIFN,*,-1,FIN
S 35,14,7,11,3,V,DIFN,*,-1,FIN
S 36,20,3,42,2,V,ALU2,i0,-1,FIN
T 37,17,5,*,TN_15_1,NOSYM,-1,FIN
T 38,11,5,*,TN_15_1,NOSYM,-1,FIN
T 39,17,25,*,TP_15_1,NOSYM,-1,FIN
T 40,11,25,*,TP_15_1,NOSYM,-1,FIN
S 41,20,43,2,1,V,ALU1,vdd,-1,FIN
S 42,8,45,12,1,H,ALU1,vdd,-1,FIN
S 43,20,33,10,2,V,ALU1,vdd,-1,FIN
S 44,8,2,11,2,V,ALU1,vss,-1,FIN
S 45,8,2,12,2,H,ALU1,vss,-1,FIN
M 46,20,37,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN
M 47,8,37,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN
M 48,14,45,*,CONT_DIF_N,1,-1,FIN
M 49,14,2,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN
M 50,8,13,*,CONT_DIF_N,1,-1,FIN
M 51,20,13,*,CONT_DIF_N,1,-1,FIN
M 52,8,33,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN
M 53,20,33,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN
M 54,9,22,*,CONT_POLY,0,-1,FIN
M 55,19,22,*,CONT_POLY,0,-1,FIN
M 56,8,28,*,CONT_VIA,3,-1,FIN
M 57,20,28,*,CONT_VIA,3,-1,FIN
M 58,14,22,*,CONT_VIA,3,-1,FIN
M 59,8,8,*,CONT_DIF_N,1,-1,FIN
M 60,20,2,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN
M 61,8,2,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN
M 62,20,45,*,CONT_DIF_N,1,-1,FIN
M 63,8,45,*,CONT_DIF_N,1,-1,FIN
M 64,14,29,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN
M 65,14,35,*,CONT_DIF_P,2,-1,FIN

Example 2

This example is the physical design of a small circuit including three nand.

H test_nand,P,-1,57,12/ 4/92,10,A JOUR,3,1,61,60,
C 0,12,2,2,SUD,ALU2,a,IN,8,FIN
C 1,24,2,2,SUD,ALU2,b,IN,21,FIN
C 2,30,2,2,SUD,ALU2,c,IN,19,FIN
C 3,42,2,2,SUD,ALU2,d,IN,31,FIN
C 4,54,2,2,SUD,ALU2,s,OUT,36,FIN
C 5,4,47,1,EST,ALU1,vdd,IN,39,FIN
C 6,4,8,1,EST,ALU1,vss,IN,7,FIN
I 7,9,7,I1,na2_y,NOSYM,33,FIN
C 8,24,49,2,NORD,ALU2,i0,INOUT,11,NON
C 9,18,49,2,NORD,ALU2,f,INOUT,18,FIN
C 10,12,49,2,NORD,ALU2,i1,INOUT,13,NON
C 11,24,7,2,SUD,ALU2,i0,INOUT,41,NON
C 12,18,7,2,SUD,ALU2,f,INOUT,9,NON
C 13,12,7,2,SUD,ALU2,i1,INOUT,40,NON
C 14,27,47,8,EST,ALU1,vdd,INOUT,15,NON
C 15,9,47,8,OUEST,ALU1,vdd,INOUT,46,NON
C 16,9,9,8,OUEST,ALU1,vss,INOUT,45,NON
C 17,27,9,8,EST,ALU1,vss,INOUT,16,NON
I 18,27,7,I2,na2_y,NOSYM,35,FIN
C 19,42,49,2,NORD,ALU2,i0,INOUT,22,NON
C 20,36,49,2,NORD,ALU2,f,INOUT,29,FIN
C 21,30,49,2,NORD,ALU2,i1,INOUT,24,NON
C 22,42,7,2,SUD,ALU2,i0,INOUT,43,NON
C 23,36,7,2,SUD,ALU2,f,INOUT,20,NON
C 24,30,7,2,SUD,ALU2,i1,INOUT,42,NON
C 25,45,47,8,EST,ALU1,vdd,INOUT,26,NON
C 26,27,47,8,OUEST,ALU1,vdd,INOUT,14,NON
C 27,27,9,8,OUEST,ALU1,vss,INOUT,17,NON
C 28,45,9,8,EST,ALU1,vss,INOUT,27,NON
I 29,45,7,I3,na2_y,NOSYM,-1,FIN
C 30,60,49,2,NORD,ALU2,i0,INOUT,52,NON
C 31,54,49,2,NORD,ALU2,f,INOUT,34,NON
C 32,48,49,2,NORD,ALU2,i1,INOUT,51,NON
C 33,60,7,2,SUD,ALU2,i0,INOUT,30,NON
C 34,54,7,2,SUD,ALU2,f,INOUT,44,NON
C 35,48,7,2,SUD,ALU2,i1,INOUT,32,NON
C 36,63,47,8,EST,ALU1,vdd,INOUT,37,NON
C 37,45,47,8,OUEST,ALU1,vdd,INOUT,25,NON
C 38,45,9,8,OUEST,ALU1,vss,INOUT,28,NON
C 39,63,9,8,EST,ALU1,vss,INOUT,38,NON
S 40,12,2,5,2,V,ALU2,*,0,NON
S 41,24,2,5,2,V,ALU2,*,1,NON
S 42,30,2,5,2,V,ALU2,*,2,NON
S 43,42,2,5,2,V,ALU2,*,3,NON
S 44,54,2,5,2,V,ALU2,*,4,NON
S 45,4,8,5,1,H,ALU1,*,6,NON
S 46,4,47,5,1,H,ALU1,*,5,NON
S 47,18,55,42,1,H,ALU1,x,53,NON
S 48,36,60,12,1,H,ALU1,y,54,NON
S 49,18,49,6,2,V,ALU2,*,12,NON
S 50,36,49,11,2,V,ALU2,*,23,NON
S 51,48,49,11,2,V,ALU2,*,55,NON
S 52,60,49,6,2,V,ALU2,*,56,NON
M 53,18,55,*,CONT_VIA,3,49,NON
M 54,36,60,*,CONT_VIA,3,50,NON
M 55,48,60,*,CONT_VIA,3,48,NON
M 56,60,55,*,CONT_VIA,3,47,NON

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