argon2(1) generate argon2 hashes


argon2 salt [OPTIONS]


Generate Argon2 hashes from the command line.

The supplied salt (the first argument to the command) must be at least 8 octets in length, and the password is supplied on standard input.

By default, this uses Argon2i, the variant where memory access is indepedent of secret data. This is the correct variant to use for password hashing.


Use Argon2d instead of Argon2i (Argon2i is the default)
-t N
Sets the number of iterations to N (default = 3)
-m N
Sets the memory usage of 2^N KiB (default = 12)
-p N
Sets parallelism to N threads (default = 1)
-h N
Sets hash output length to N bytes (default = 32)
Output only encoded hash
Output only the raw bytes of the hash


This manpage was written by Daniel Kahn Gillmor for the Debian distribution (but may be used by others). It is released, like the rest of this Argon2 implementation, under the terms of Creative Commons 0 (CC0)