axs(1) afnix cross spreadsheet


axs [options] file [arguments]


prints the help message

prints the program version

[i path] path
add a directory path to the resolver

[e] mode
force the encoding mode

[f] assert
enable assertion checking

[f] nopath
do not set initial path


axs invokes the AFNIX cross spreadsheet. The axs client is a font-end tool for the AFNIX sheet and folio objects which are part of the standard spreadsheet library. The axs client is built on top of the AFNIX interpreter and therefore supports all the language capabilities.


The current version is the 1.5.2 release.


AFNIX comes with an extensive documentation. The documentation is available online or in the doc directory in the form of formated xhtml documents.


axs has been written by ([email protected]) Amaury Darsch.


This chapter is short introduction to the AFNIX cross spreadsheet or axs. The AFNIX spreadsheet is a special interpreter that provides special commands to manipulate spreadsheets, made out of sheet and folio. The axs interface is also designed to ease some operations like loading or saving sheets.

Invocation and termination
The axs spreadsheet is started by typing the command axs. Once started, the spreadsheet reads the commands from the terminal. Since the spreadsheet is built on top of the AFNIX interpreter, any command is in fact a special form that is executed by the interpreter. The natural way to invoke the debugger is to pass the primary file to execute with eventually some arguments.

zsh> axs PROGRAM [arguments]

When the spreadsheet is started, a prompt '(axs)' indicates that the session is running. The session is terminated like any AFNIX interpreted session by using ctrl-d.

zsh> axs PROGRAM

Spreadsheet options
The available options can be seen with the -h option and the current version with the -v option. This mode of operations is similar to the one found with the AFNIX interpreter.

zsh> axs -h
usage: axs [options] [file] [arguments]
[h]              print this help message
[v]              print version information
[i] path         add a path to the resolver
[f  assert]      enable assertion checking

Folio operations
The process of importing data requires first to create a folio which will act as a collection of sheets. When starting from the beginning, the best way is to create a new folio and then create, one or several sheets in which data can be added or imported.

Creating a folio
The process of importing data requires first to create a folio. When starting from the beginning, the best way is to create a new folio with the axs:new command, then create one or several sheets with the axs:create command and finally import data with the axs:import command.

(axs) axs:new "elements"

The axs:new command creates a new folio those name is given by the argument. Without argument, the command creates an unnamed folio. The command also returns the Folio object that can be later used for special operations.

Saving a folio
The axs:save command writes a binary representation of the folio in a file. The folio is serialized with the help of the AFNIX serialize engine. The serialization is done in a file that can be reloaded with the axs:open command.

(axs) axs:save "elements.xss"
(axs) axs:open "elements.xss"

Creating a default sheet
In order to import data, a sheet must be created in the folio. The axs:create command creates a sheet in the folio. The command take an optional argument which is the sheet name. The command also returns the Sheet object that can be used for other special processing.

(axs) axs:create "data"

A new sheet named data is created and becoming the default one. Once the sheet is created, the data can be added into it with the help of the axs:import command. There is always a default sheet attached to a folio. The default sheet is set by creating a new sheet or by using the axs:select command.

Importing data in the sheet
The periodic table of the elements is a simple example that illustrates the importation process. The original file is located into the exp/elem directory. The elements.tbl file is a simple file that associates the atomic number with an element name, it chemical symbol and other parameters. An extract of the file is shown below.

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# - elements.tbl                                             -
# - the periodic sheet of elements                           -
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# - element name   sym   weight  bp (c)  mp (c)  density     -
# ------------------------------------------------------------
1   "Hydrogen"     "H"   1.00797 -252.7  -259.2  0.071
2   "Helium"       "He"  4.0026  -268.9  -269.7  0.126
3   "Lithium"      "Li"  6.939    1330    180.5  0.53
4   "Beryllium"    "Be"  9.0122   2770    1277   1.85
5   "Boron"        "B"   10.811   nil     2030   2.34

There are 112 rows in this sheet. Not all rows have data. A particular cell, with no data is marked with the special symbol nil. Strings are enclosed with double quotes. Integer and reals numbers differentiate themselves automatically. A line with no data is ignored. A comment starts with the # character.

(axs) axs:new    "elements"
(axs) axs:create "data"
(axs) axs:import "elements.tbl"
(axs) axs:save   "elements.xss"

After the axs:import command, the axs:save command writes the folio in a file called elements.xss. Such file can be later used with the axs:open command.

Folio reloading
Given a folio, the axs:open command reload the folio in memory and permit the sheet manipulation. When a folio is loaded, the default sheet can be selected. Using the previous example, and assuming a new session is started:

# reload the folio
(axs) axs:open "elements.xss"

When the folio is loaded, the first sheet is set as the default sheet.

Folio information
When the folio is loaded, the axs:info command reports some information about the folio.

Object             Value
Folio name         elements
Current sheet      data

In the previous example, the folio name is reported as well as the default sheet.

Sheet operations
Sheets can be manipulated once loaded into a folio. There is always a default sheet on which most of the operation apply. In certain cases, the operations can also be done with the help of the sheet index.

Sheet information
The axs:list command displays the folio content with the sheet index, sheet name and sheet length. This command permits to check, among other things, that an importation process operated correctly.

Sheet index Sheet name Sheet length
0           data       112

The command reports for each sheet, its name and size. The size is the number of records which is the number of rows. After a axs:create command, the axs:list command will report a sheet without element.

Viewing the sheet contents
The best way to visualize the sheet content is to use the axs:view command. The command operates with the default sheet. Without argument, the whole sheet is shown. With one argument, an integer number that specifies the report length and eventually a secondary number that specifies the starting index.

(axs)axs:view 5 10
11 Sodium     Na 22.989800 892  97.800000 .97
12 Magnesium  Mg 24.312000 1107 650       1.740000
13 Aluminum   Al 26.981500 2450 660       2.700000
14 Silicon    Si 28.086000 2680 1410      2.330000
15 Phosphorus P  30.984000 nil  nil       nil

Sorting a sheet
The axs:sort command sorts the default sheet. The sheet column as well as well as the sorting mode are the sorting parameters. Without argument the first column and the ascending mode are used to sort the sheet. For example, a sorting on the second column in ascending order, produces the following result:

(axs)axs:sort 1
(axs)axs:view 5
95 Americium Am 243.060000 nil         nil         nil
13 Aluminum  Al 26.981500  2450        660         2.700000
18 Argon     Ar 39.948000  -185.800000 -189.400000 1.400000
33 Arsenic   As 74.992000  613         817         5.720000
51 Antimony  Sb 121.750000 1380        630.500000  6.620000

On the other end, sorting in descending order produces the following result:

(axs)axs:sort 1
(axs)axs:view 5
40 Zirconium Zr 91.220000  3580 1852        6.490000
30 Zinc      Zn 65.370000  906  419.500000  7.140000
70 Ytterbium Yb 173.040000 1427 824         6.980000
39 Yttrium   Y  88.905900  nil  nil         nil
54 Xenon     Xe 131.300000 -108 -111.900000 3.060000


This appendix is a reference of the AFNIX cross spreadsheet or axs. The AFNIX cross spreadsheet is started with the axs command. All control commands are bound to the axs nameset.

The axs:create command create a new sheet in the folio. In order to succeed, a folio object must exist prior creating a sheet. Without argument, a default sheet is created without name. The optional argument is the sheet name


axs:create axs:create "name"

(axs) axs:create "data"

This example create a sheet with the name data. Once the sheet has been created, it becomes the default sheet.

The axs:export command exports the contents of the default sheet to the specified file. When exported, the sheet is formatted in such way that it can be read again with the import command.


axs:export "file"

(axs) axs:export "elements.txt"

The axs:import command imports data into the current sheet. The data must be formatted in such way that they are readable by the AFNIX reader. In particular, the string must be placed between double quotes and the character between single quotes. Blank and tabulation characters are used as separators.


axs:import "file"

(axs) axs:import "elements.tbl"

The axs:info command prints some information about the folio. Among the information is the folio name and the current sheet. An optional output stream argument can be used to write the sheet information.


axs:info axs:info "file"

(axs) axs:info

The axs:insert command insert data into the current sheet. The data are seen as a vector of literals. When the command is executed, a record is automatically created, filled with the data and inserted into the sheet.


axs:insert "data+"

(axs) axs:insert "hello" "world" 2000

In this example, a record of 3 elements is created with 2 strings and one integer.

The axs:insert-marker command insert marker data into the current sheet. The data are seen as a vector of literals. When the command is executed, the marker record is filled with the data. This command is similar to the axs:insert. The marker record is primarily used to mark the sheet columns.


axs:insert-marker "data+"

(axs) axs:insert-marker "hello" "world" 2000

In this example, the 2 strings and one integer are added into the sheet marker record.

The axs:insert-header command insert header data into the current sheet. The data are seen as a vector of literals. When the command is executed, the header record is filled with the data. This command is similar to the axs:insert


axs:add-info "data+"

(axs) axs:add-info "hello" "world" 2000

In this example, the 2 strings and one integer are added into the sheet informatino record.

The axs:insert-footer command insert footer data into the current sheet. The data are seen as a vector of literals. When the command is executed, the footer record is filled with the data. This command is similar to the axs:insert


axs:add-info "data+"

(axs) axs:add-info "hello" "world" 2000

In this example, the 2 strings and one integer are added into the sheet informatino record.

The axs:new command create a new folio. Without argument an empty folio is created. With one string argument, a new folio is created with the argument name. with two arguments, a new folio is created by name and info. If a folio already exists, it is closed prior the creation of the new one.


axs:new axs:new "name"

(axs) axs:new "elements"

The axs:open command open a new folio those name is the file name given as the argument. The file name must corresponds to a serialized folio that was generated with the axs:save command.


axs:open "file"

(axs) axs:open "elements.xss"

The axs:save command saves the current folio into a file those name is given as the argument. The axs:save command operates by serializing the folio.


axs:save "file"

(axs) axs:save "elements.xss"

The axs:select command selects a sheet by index. Since there is no guarantee that the sheet name is unique, an index is more appropriate to guarantee a unique selection. Once selected, the sheet becomes the default one.


axs:select "index"

(axs) axs:select 1

The axs:list command reports the folio contents. For each sheet, the index, the sheet name and size is reported. With an argument, the reported information is written to an output stream. By default, the standard output is used for reporting.


axs:list axs:list "file"

(axs) axs:list

The axs:view command display the sheet contents by using the cell literal representation. Without argument, the entire tale is reported. With one integer argument as the report size, only the specified number of elements is reported. A second integer argument that acts as a starting index can also be used.


axs:view axs:view "length" axs:view "length" "start"

(axs) axs:view