bumpversion(1) Version-bump your software


usage: bumpversion [-h] [--config-file FILE] [--verbose] [--list]
[--allow-dirty] [--parse REGEX] [--serialize FORMAT] [--search SEARCH] [--replace REPLACE] [--current-version VERSION] [--dry-run] --new-version VERSION [--commit | --no-commit] [--tag | --no-tag] [--tag-name TAG_NAME] [--message COMMIT_MSG] part [file [file ...]]

bumpversion: v0.5.3 (using Python v3.4.3+)

positional arguments:

Part of the version to be bumped.
Files to change (default: [])

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit
--config-file FILE
Config file to read most of the variables from (default: .bumpversion.cfg)
Print verbose logging to stderr (default: 0)
List machine readable information (default: False)
Don't abort if working directory is dirty (default: False)
--parse REGEX
Regex parsing the version string (default: (?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<patch>\d+))
--serialize FORMAT
How to format what is parsed back to a version (default: ['{major}.{minor}.{patch}'])
--search SEARCH
Template for complete string to search (default: {current_version})
--replace REPLACE
Template for complete string to replace (default: {new_version})
--current-version VERSION
Version that needs to be updated (default: None)
--dry-run, -n
Don't write any files, just pretend. (default: False)
--new-version VERSION
New version that should be in the files (default: None)
Commit to version control (default: False)
Do not commit to version control
Create a tag in version control (default: False)
Do not create a tag in version control
--tag-name TAG_NAME
Tag name (only works with --tag) (default: v{new_version})
Commit message (default: Bump version: {current_version} ??? {new_version})