coquelicot8(8) one-click file sharing web application

Other Alias



coquelicot [-c settings] start [-n] coquelicot [-c settings] stop coquelicot [-c settings] gc coquelicot [-c settings] migrate-jyraphe [-p prefix]
~~~~~~~~<jyraphe/var> > rewrite_rules


Coquelicot is a "one-click" file sharing web application with a focus on protecting users' privacy.

Basic principle: users can upload a file to the server, in return they get a unique URL which can be shared with others in order to download the file.

Coquelicot aims to protect, to some extent, users and system administrators from disclosure of the files exchanged from passive and not so active attackers.

Coquelicot runs its own web server. It is not recommended to to use it directly. Coquelicot should rather be made accessible through a non-buffering HTTPS reverse proxy.


-c </path/to/settings.yml>
Specify an alternate configuration file than the default /etc/coquelicot/settings.yml.
Display usage and exit.


start: start the web server. Unless -n is specified, the daemon will be put in the background.
stop: stop the web server.
gc: run the garbage collection procedure. This is usually run through a crontab.
migrate-jyraphe: run the Jyraphe migration procedure. See README for more details.


/etc/coquelicot/settings.yml: main configuration file.
/etc/cron.d/coquelicot: crontab for scheduling the garbage collection.
/var/lib/coquelicot: default directory where user files will be stored.
/var/cache/coquelicot: default directory where cache files will be stored.
/var/log/coquelicot/coquelicot.log: default log file.

AUTHORS [email protected]

mh / [email protected]

This manual page was written by Jérémy Bobbio [email protected].