DateTime::Format::ICal(3) Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings


use DateTime::Format::ICal;
my $dt = DateTime::Format::ICal->parse_datetime( '20030117T032900Z' );
my $dur = DateTime::Format::ICal->parse_duration( '+P3WT4H55S' );
# 20030117T032900Z
# +P3WT4H55S


This module understands the ICal date/time and duration formats, as defined in RFC 2445. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create the appropriate objects.


This class offers the following methods.
  • parse_datetime($string)

    Given an iCal datetime string, this method will return a new "DateTime" object.

    If given an improperly formatted string, this method may die.

  • parse_duration($string)

    Given an iCal duration string, this method will return a new "DateTime::Duration" object.

    If given an improperly formatted string, this method may die.

  • parse_period($string)

    Given an iCal period string, this method will return a new "DateTime::Span" object.

    If given an improperly formatted string, this method may die.

  • parse_recurrence( recurrence => $string, ... )

    Given an iCal recurrence description, this method uses "DateTime::Event::ICal" to create a "DateTime::Set" object representing that recurrence. Any parameters given to this method beside ``recurrence'' will be passed directly to the "DateTime::Event::ICal->recur" method.

    If given an improperly formatted string, this method may die.

    This method accepts optional parameters ``dtstart'' and ``dtend''. These parameters must be "DateTime" objects.

    The iCal spec requires that ``dtstart'' always be included in the recurrence set, unless this is an ``exrule'' statement. Since we don't know what kind of statement is being parsed, we do not include "dtstart" in the recurrence set.

  • format_datetime($datetime)

    Given a "DateTime" object, this methods returns an iCal datetime string.

    The iCal spec requires that datetimes be formatted either as floating times (no time zone), UTC (with a 'Z' suffix) or with a time zone id at the beginning ('TZID=America/Chicago;...'). If this method is asked to format a "DateTime" object that has an offset-only time zone, then the object will be converted to the UTC time zone internally before formatting.

    For example, this code:

        my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1900, hour => 15, time_zone => '-0100' );
        print $ical->format_datetime($dt);

    will print the string ``19000101T160000Z''.

  • format_duration($duration)

    Given a "DateTime::Duration" object, this methods returns an iCal duration string.

    The iCal standard does not allow for months or years in a duration, so if a duration for which "delta_months()" is not zero is given, then this method will die.

  • format_period($span)

    Given a "DateTime::Span" object, this methods returns an iCal period string, using the format "DateTime/DateTime".

  • format_period_with_duration($span)

    Given a "DateTime::Span" object, this methods returns an iCal period string, using the format "DateTime/Duration".

  • format_recurrence($arg [,$arg...] )

    This method returns a list of strings containing ICal statements. In scalar context it returns a single string which may contain embedded newlines.

    The argument can be a "DateTime" list, a "DateTime::Span" list, a "DateTime::Set", or a "DateTime::SpanSet".

    ICal "DATE" values are not supported. Whenever a date value is found, a "DATE-TIME" is generated.

    If a recurrence has an associated "DTSTART" or "DTEND", those values must be formatted using "format_datetime()". The "format_recurrence()" method will not do this for you.

    If a "union" or "complement" of recurrences is being formatted, they are assumed to have the same "DTSTART" value.

    Only "union" and "complement" operations are supported for recurrences. This is a limitation of the ICal specification.

    If given a set it cannot format, this method may die.

    Only "DateTime::Set::ICal" objects are formattable. A set may change class after some set operations:

        $recurrence = $recurrence->union( $dt_set );
        # Ok - $recurrence still is a DT::Set::ICal
        $recurrence = $dt_set->union( $recurrence );
        # Not Ok! - $recurrence is a DT::Set now

    The only unbounded recurrences currently supported are the ones generated by the "DateTime::Event::ICal" module.

    You can add ICal formatting support to a custom recurrence by using the "DateTime::Set::ICal" module:

        $custom_recurrence =
                ( recurrence =>
                  sub { $_[0]->truncate( to => 'month' )->add( months => 1 ) }
        $custom_recurrence->set_ical( include => [ 'FREQ=MONTHLY' ] );


Support for this module is provided via the [email protected] email list. See for more details.


Dave Rolsky <[email protected]> and Flavio Soibelmann Glock <[email protected]>

Some of the code in this module comes from Rich Bowen's "Date::ICal" module.


Copyright (c) 2003 David Rolsky. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.