diskUsage(1) Display amount of disk space used by a WebGUI asset


diskUsage --configFile config.conf
[--assetId id]
[--assetUrl url]
[--blockSize bytes]
diskUsage --help


This WebGUI utility script displays the amount of disk space used by an asset and it's descendants. It has been modeled after the *nix 'du' utility.
--configFile config.conf
The WebGUI config file to use. Only the file name needs to be specified, since it will be looked up inside WebGUI's configuration directory. This parameter is required.
--assetId id
Calculate disk usage starting from WebGUI's Asset identified by id. If this parameter is not supplied, calculations will start from WebGUI's default page as defined in the Site settings.
--assetUrl url
Calculate disk usage starting from the particular URL given by url, which must be relative to the server (e.g. /home instead of http://your.server/home). If this parameter is not supplied, calculations will start from WebGUI's default page as defined in the Site settings.
--blockSize bytes
Use bytes as scaling factor to change the units in which disk space will be reported. If this parameter is not supplied, it defaults to 1, hence the results will be expressed in bytes. If you want to have kb, use --blockSize 1024.
Prevent recursive calculation of disk space. This effectively computes the used disk space for the starting Asset only, without including its descendants.
Just display the total amount of disk space as a raw value.
Just display the total amount of disk space in a human readable format.
Shows this documentation, then exits.


Copyright 2001-2009 Plain Black Corporation.