Gajim-remote(1) a remote control utility for




is a script to control and communicate with a running instance of gajim(1) by D-Bus.


Available commands

account_info Aq account

Gets detailed info on a account

add_contact Ao jid Ac Bq account

Adds contact to roster

change_avatar Ao picture Ac Bq account

Change the avatar

change_status Bo status Bc Bo message Bc Bq account

Changes the status of account or accounts


Check if Gajim is running

contact_info Aq jid

Gets detailed info on a contact

get_status Bq account

Returns current status (the global one unless account is specified)

get_status_message Bq account

Returns current status message (the global one unless account is specified)


Returns number of unread messages

handle_uri Ao uri Ac Bo account Bc Bq message

Handle a xmpp:/ uri

help Bq command

Shows a help on specific command

join_room Ao room Ac Bo nick Bc Bo password Bc Bq account

Join a MUC room


Prints a list of registered accounts

list_contacts Bq account

Prints a list of all contacts in the roster. Each contact appears on a separate line

open_chat Ao jid Ac Bo account Bc Bq message

Shows the chat dialog so that you can send messages to a contact

prefs_del Aq key

Deletes a preference item


Lists all preferences and their values

prefs_put Aq key=value

Sets value of 'key' to 'value'.


Writes the current state of Gajim preferences to the .config file

remove_contact Ao jid Ac Bq account

Removes contact from roster

send_chat_message Ao jid Ac Ao message Ac Bo pgp key Bc Bq account

Sends new chat message to a contact in the roster. Both OpenPGP key and account are optional. If you want to set only 'account', without 'OpenPGP key', just set 'OpenPGP key' to ''.

send_file Ao file Ac Ao jid Ac Bq account

Sends file to a contact

send_groupchat_message Ao room_jid Ac Ao message Ac Bq account

Sends new message to a groupchat you've joined.

send_single_message Ao jid subject Ac Ao message Ac Bo pgp key Bc Bq account

Sends new single message to a contact in the roster. Both OpenPGP key and account are optional. If you want to set only 'account', without 'OpenPGP key', just set 'OpenPGP key' to ''.

send_xml Ao xml Ac Bq account

Sends custom XML

set_priority Ao priority Ac Bq account

Changes the priority of account or accounts


Pops up a window with the next pending event

start_chat Aq account

Opens 'Start Chat' dialog


Shows or hides the ipython window


Shows or hides the roster window


Open a URI of group chat gajim

$ gajim-remote handle_uri xmpp:[email protected]?join

Send custom XML

$ gajim-remote send_xml $(cat filename.xml ) Qq [email protected]


An -nosplit is written and maintained by An Yann Leboulanger , and An Denis Fomin , with contributions and patches merged from many individuals around the world. See files AUTHORS and THANKS for a complete list.


Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Gajim Team

is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.

is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with . If not, see <>.


You can report bugs or feature requests in our bug tracker at or in the gajim-devel mailing list; if you want to send us a patch, please do so in our bug tracker. You can also find us in our chat room.


You are welcome to join us at [email protected]


Please submit bugs at