GENLIB_DEF_PHSC(1) load a netlist and open a layout model as current figure


#include <genlib.h>
void GENLIB_DEF_PHSC(cellname)
char *cellname;
man2html: unable to open or read file man1/alc_origin.1


Name of the netlist figure to be looked for in memory or on disk, for futher physical placement.


DEF_PHSC defines the current working figure by it's name, the cellname argument, for layout and netlist operations. It can be use anywhere in the genlib program, but must appear at least once at the top of it, since it also initalize the user's preferences through environment variables.
DEF_PHSC looks for the netlist figure cellname in memory, and if not found, on disk. If it fails, an error occurs and the process terminates.
The main issue of this function is to allow the netlist and physical descriptions of a circuit in two separate files, for standard cell approach. So there is no need to recreate the netlist view each time the placement changes.
If the physical figure called cellname doesn't exists in memory, it is created. If it already exists in memory, it makes it the current working figure. DEF_PHSC doesn't look on disk for the figure cellname, so be careful not to overwrite an existing file while saving later on.


#include <genlib.h>
        /* Create a figure to work on  */
        /* Place an instance */
        GENLIB_SC_PLACE("instance", NOSYM,0L,0L);
        /* Save all that on disk */