git-release(1) Commit, tag and push changes to the repository


git-release <tagname> [-r <remote>] [-m <commit info%gt;] [-c]


Commits changes with message "Release <tagname>" or custom commit infomation, tags with the given <tagname> and pushes the branch / tags. Optionally it generates a changelog (see git-changelog) and a remote can be defined. The order of first -c or -r does not matter.



The name of the newly created tag. Also used in tag comment.

-r <remote>

The "remote" repository that is destination of a push operation: it is passed to git push.

-m <commit info>

use the custom commit infomation instead of the default message "Release <tagname>" .


Generates or populates the changelog with all commit message since the last tag. For more info see git-changelog..


Release commit with the given <tagname>.
$ git release 0.1.0
Release commit with the given <tagname> and custom commit message.
$ git release 0.1.0 -m "+ powerful feature added."
Release commit with the given <tagname> and push to specific remote.
$ git release 0.1.0 -r github
Release commit with the given <tagname> and populate changelog.
$ git release 0.1.0 -c
Release commit with the given <tagname>, populate changelog, and push to specific remote.
$ git release 0.1.0 -r github -c


Written by Tj Holowaychuk <[email protected]> Extended by David Hartmann <[email protected]>