Graph::Reader::Dot(3) class for reading a Graph instance from Dot format


use Graph::Reader::Dot;
use Graph;
$reader = Graph::Reader::Dot->new();
$graph = $reader->read_graph('');


Graph::Reader::Dot is a class for reading in a directed graph in the file format used by the dot tool (part of the AT+T graphviz package).

Graph::Reader::Dot is a subclass of Graph::Reader, which defines the generic interface for Graph reader classes.



Constructor - generate a new reader instance.

    $reader = Graph::Reader::Dot->new();

This doesn't take any arguments.


Read a graph from a file:

    $graph = $reader->read_graph( $file );

The $file argument can be either a filename or a filehandle of a previously opened file.


Controls, if implicit node attributes given by the dot directive "node[]" will be merged into (new) nodes. Setting it to 0 or "undef" (default) will not disable this feature. Setting it to any other value will enable this feature.


Controls, if implicit edge attributes given by the dot directive "edge[]" will be merged into edges. Setting it to 0 or "undef" (default) will not disable this feature. Setting it to any other value will enable this feature.


  • Default (graph) attributes in subgraphs (i.e. inside "{}") are not processed.
  • Sub nodes as used by dot's "record" node shape are supported.
  • Undirected graphs will be treated as directed graphs. This means that the "--" edge operator works as the "->" edge operator.
  • Be aware that you are loosing scope information on writing back the graph.
  • Multiple "node[]" or "edge[]" statements in the same scope are not correctly supported.


Mark A. Hillebrand <[email protected]>


Copyright (c) 2001 by Mark A. Hillebrand. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.