grub-bios-setup(8) set up a device to boot using GRUB


grub-bios-setup [,OPTION/...] ,DEVICE/


Set up images to boot from DEVICE.

You should not normally run this program directly. Use grub-install instead.

-a, --allow-floppy
make the drive also bootable as floppy (default for fdX devices). May break on some BIOSes.
-b, --boot-image=,FILE/
use FILE as the boot image [default=boot.img]
-c, --core-image=,FILE/
use FILE as the core image [default=core.img]
-d, --directory=,DIR/
use GRUB files in the directory DIR [default=/boot/grub]
-f, --force
install even if problems are detected
-m, --device-map=,FILE/
use FILE as the device map [default=/boot/grub/]
Do not apply any reed-solomon codes when embedding core.img. This option is only available on x86 BIOS targets.
-s, --skip-fs-probe
do not probe for filesystems in DEVICE
-v, --verbose
print verbose messages.
-?, --help
give this help list
give a short usage message
-V, --version
print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.

DEVICE must be an OS device (e.g. ,/dev/sda/).


Report bugs to <[email protected]>.