HTML::Template(3) Ruby extension for HTML::Template


This module deals with HTML template by CGI scripts and use a complete selectivity between design and logic easily. You can deal with a nested block, a loop and a conditional expression. Simple example, see below.

template file test.html

    <HEAD><TITLE>Test Template</TITLE>
    My Home Directory is <!var:home>
    My Path is set to <!var:path>
Ruby script
    require "html/template"
    tmpl ="./test.html")
               'home' => ENV['HOME'],
               'path' => ENV['PATH']
    print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
    print tmpl.output


using install.rb

    % tar xvzf html-template-x.xx.tar.gz
    % cd html-template-x.xx
    % ruby install.rb config
    % ruby install.rb setup
    % su
    # ruby install.rb install

Template File


You can use original style tag or valid HTML comment style tag.


<!-- var:PARAMETER_NAME --> When you call HTML::Template#param ({PARAMETER_NAME => VAL}), tags will be simply replaced to VAL.



<!-- begin:PARAMETER_NAME -->

<!-- end:PARAMETER_NAME --> It allows you to separate a section of text and give it a name It would be able to make them loop or conditional expression. And, it can be nested.


<!-- include:FILE_NAME --> A file specified by FILE_NAME is simply inserted to a template file. The template file will be treated as a merged template. If you pass the path param to , include file will be searched under the path.

HTML::Template CLASS

CLASS METHODS = {}) Creates a HTML::Template object. Given a file name to its first argument, use this file as a template.

Also you can pass params as Hash. The options are below

• filename
template filename
• path
template search path. you can specified as String or Array of String.


HTML::Template#load(file) Load template file.

HTML::Template#set_html(html) Setting up a string as a template.

HTML::Template#param(hash = {})

HTML::Template#expand(hash = {}) Specifies a string or a loop by Hash for a substitute. When specifying more than a loop simultaneously, value of the hash becomes an array.



HTML::Template#cond(name) Stands a loop and a conditional expression specified by <!begin:name><!end:name> Retrieves HTML::TemplateNode object.


HTML::Template#to_s Returns the final result.

HTML::TemplateNode CLASS

This is a class for a loop or a conditional expression. An instance consists of HTML::Template Class and HTML::TemplateNode CLASS.


HTML::TemplateNode#node(name) Stands a loop or a conditional expression specified by <!begin:name><!end:name> Returns HTML::TemplateNode object. Is only used for nested.

HTML::TemplateNode#param(hash = {})

HTML::TemplateNode#expand(hash = {})

HTML::TemplateNode#add(hash = {}) Specifies a string or a loop by Hash for a substitute. If you don't call the method, the block won't be displayed.


This sample is a displaying list of environment valiables.

    <h1>Env List</h1>
    <!var:key> : <!var:val><br>
    # In case of using it with iterator and replace data.
    require "html/template"
    tmpl ="filename" => "envlist.html")
    ENV.keys.sort.each do |k|
      tmpl.node("envlist").param({'key' => k,
                                  'val' => ENV[k]
    print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
    print tmpl.output
    # In case of giving a loop as an array
    require "html/template"
    tmpl ="envlist.html")
    envlist = []
    ENV.keys.sort.each do |k|
      envlist.push({'key' => k,
                    'val' => ENV[k]
    tmpl.param({'envlist' => envlist}) 
    print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
    print tmpl.output

A Conditional Expression

    This is True
    This is False
    require "html/template"
    tmpl ="cond.html")
    tmpl.param({'true' => {'foo' => 'foobar'}
    print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"
    print tmpl.output
The performed result is below, however, a part not specied with the method isn't displayed.
    This is True

An attached Sample.

env.rb This sample is a simply replacing valiables.

envlist.rb This sample is a displaying list of environment valiables. This sample is a case for using with iterator.

envlist2.rb Performed result is the same as the envlist.rb.'s.

nest.rb A sample of a nested loop.


English Documentation NAKAYAMA Nao <[email protected]> thanks a lot :-)


Copyright 2001 IKEBE Tomohiro This library is free software; you can redistribute it and / or modify it under the same terms as Ruby itself. IKEBE Tomohiro <[email protected]>