IO::Pager::Unbuffered(3) Pipe output to PAGER if destination is a TTY


use IO::Pager::Unbuffered;
local $STDOUT = IO::Pager::Unbuffered::open *STDOUT;
print <<" HEREDOC" ;
A bunch of text later
# You can also use scalar filehandles...
my $token = IO::Pager::Unbuffered::open($FH) or warn($!);
print $FH "No globs or barewords for us thanks!\n";
# ...or an object interface
my $token = new IO::Pager::Unbuffered;
$token->print("OO shiny...\n");


IO::Pager subclasses are designed to programmatically decide whether or not to pipe a filehandle's output to a program specified in PAGER; determined and set by IO::Pager at runtime if not yet defined.

See IO::Pager for method details.


All methods are inherited from IO::Pager; except for instantiation.


You probably want to do something with SIGPIPE eg;

  eval {
    $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die };
    local $STDOUT = IO::Pager::open(*STDOUT);
    while (1) {
      # Do something
  # Do something else


Jerrad Pierce <[email protected]>

Florent Angly <[email protected]>

This module was inspired by Monte Mitzelfelt's IO::Page 0.02

Significant proddage provided by Tye McQueen.


Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Jerrad Pierce
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This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.