k3d(1) 3D modeling and animation system.




K-3D is the free (as in freedom) 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system for systems including GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, and others. K-3D features a robust, object-oriented plugin architecture and is capable of producing motion-picture-quality output when paired with a RenderMan Interface compliant render engine such as Aqsis.



Prepends a filesystem path to the PATH environment variable.


Enables batch (no user intervention) mode.


Color-codes log messages based on their priority. Requires an ANSI color-capable terminal.


Disables the given OpenGL extension (whether it is supported by the underlyinghardware or not).


Enables the given OpenGL extension (whether it is supported by the underlying hardware or not).


Exits the program after startup (useful when running scripts in batch mode).

-h, --help

Prints this help information and exits.


List available OpenGL extensions and exit.


Overrides the path for loading locales.


Specifies the minimal message priority to display: warning, information or debug. Defaults to warning.


Overrides the filepath for storing user options (this overrides the default and the K3D_OPTIONS_PATH environment variable).


Overrides the path(s) for loading plugin libraries (this overrides the default and the K3D_PLUGIN_PATHS environment variable). Multiple colon-delimited paths are allowed. Use "&" as a synonym for the default paths.


Disable color-coding of log messages based on their priority.

-e, --script=SCRIPT

Executes the given script text after startup.

-f, --script-file=PATH

Executes the given script file after startup (use - for stdin).


Set an environment variable using name=value syntax.


Overrides the path where compiled shaders will be cached (this overrides the default and the K3D_SHADER_CACHE_PATH environment variable).


Overrides the path for loading shared data files (this overrides the default and the K3D_SHARE_PATH environment variable).


Prints the process name next to log messages.


Prints timestamps next to log messages.


Logs messages to syslog.

-u, --ui=ARG

Specifies the user interface to use at startup: nui, ngui, qtui, pyui, or the path to a user interface plugin (this overrides the default and the K3D_USER_INTERFACE_PATH environment variable).

-H, --user-interface-help

Prints additional command line options based on the the current choice of user interface, and exits.


Prints program version information and exits.



Provides additional options that are appended to the command-line at startup. Note that unlike other K-3D environment variables, options specified via K3D_EXTRA_OPTIONS will override options specified on the command line. Typically used to pass command-line arguments when running the program from the build tree.


Overrides the path for storing user options (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --options option).


Overrides the path(s) for loading plugin libraries (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --plugins option). Multiple colon-delimited paths are allowed. Use "&" as a synonym for the default paths.


Overrides the path where compiled shaders are cached (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --shadercache option).


Overrides the path for loading shared data files (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --share option).


Overrides the path to the user interface plugin (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --ui option).





Failure (syntax or usage error; configuration error; runtime failure; unexpected error).


See the K-3D tracker at http://developer.k-3d.org/tracker and report bugs to <[email protected]>


K-3D by Timothy M. Shead <[email protected]>, and many others.


K-3D home page: http://www.k-3d.org


Copyright (c) 1995-2010, Timothy M. Shead. All Rights Reserved. This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.