lua-oocairo-fontface(3) Unscaled font face object


Cairo font face objects are returned by the "get_font_face" method on context objects (see lua-oocairo-context(3)). They represent a font selection, but not including the scaling used to create a font of a particular size. See lua-oocairo-scaledfont(3) for details about fonts at a particular size, which can be created by scaling one of these font face objects.

Font face objects can be compared with the "==" operator. This will compare the identity of the objects, so different Lua objects which refer to the same "cairo_font_face_t" will compare as equal.


Font face objects provide the following methods. Some of these will not be defined if the module was compiled against a version of Cairo too old to support them.
fontface:get_family ()
Returns a string containing the name of the family selected with the "select_font_face" method. Throws an exception if called on a font face which wasn't created with the aXXtoyaXX API. Only available with Cairo 1.8 or better.
fontface:get_slant ()
Returns the slant style of the font face created with the toy API, or throws an exception for other font faces. The return value will be a string, with one of the values accepted by the "select_font_face" method. Only available with Cairo 1.8 or better.
fontface:get_type ()
Returns a string indicating what backend library handles this font. The return value will be one of the following:
Created using Cairo's aXXtoyaXX font API, probably selected with the "select_font_face" method.
Created with the FreeType API.
A Windows native font.
A MacOS X native font.
A font created with custom code.
fontface:get_weight ()
Returns the weight of the font face created with the toy API, or throws an exception for other font faces. The return value will be a string, with one of the values accepted by the "select_font_face" method. Only available with Cairo 1.8 or better.