nauty-genspecialg(1) generate special graphs


genspecialg [,-s|-g|-z|-d/] [,-q/] [,-p#|-c#|-e#|-k#|-b#,#|-Q#|-f#|-J#,#|-P#,#|C#/[,,#/],|G#/[,,#/],|T#/[,,#/]] [,outfile/]


Generate one particular graph.


General Options:

-s : Write in sparse6 format (default)
-g : Write in graph6 format
-z : Make digraph versions and write in digraph6 format
-d : Write in dreadnaut format (can be used with -z)
-q : Suppress summary

Special Options:

If defined, the digraph version is shown in parentheses; # size parameter called n in the descriptions.
: path (directed path) on n vertices.
: cycle (directed cycle) on n vertices.
: empty graph (digraph with loops only) on n vertices.
: complete graph (with loops) on n vertices
-b#,# : complete bipartite graph (directed l->r) on n vertices
: flower snark on 4*# vertices
-P#,# : generalized Petersen graph; usual one is -P5,2
: hypercube on 2^n vertices and degree n.
-J#,# : Johnson graph J(n,k), args are n and k.
-C#[,#] : circulant (di)graph.
-T#[,#] : theta (di)graph Theta(#[,#]), give path lengths.
-G#[,#] : (directed) grid, use negative values for open directions