otbgui_VectorDataExtractROI(1) OTB VectorDataExtractROI application


This is the VectorDataExtractROI application, version 5.2.0 Perform an extract ROI on the input vector data according to the input image extent

Complete documentation: http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/Applications/VectorDataExtractROI.html


<boolean> Report progress

 -io.vd        <string>         Input Vector data  (mandatory)
 -io.in        <string>         Support image  (mandatory)
 -io.out       <string>         Output Vector data  (mandatory)

<string> DEM directory (optional, off by default)
<string> Geoid File (optional, off by default)
-elev.default <float>
Default elevation (mandatory, default value is 0)
<string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default)


otbgui_VectorDataExtractROI -io.in qb_RoadExtract.tif -io.vd qb_RoadExtract_classification.shp -io.out apTvUtVectorDataExtractROIApplicationTest.shp