pdns_control(8) Control the pDNS nameserver


pdns_control [options] command


pdns_control is used to send commands to a running pDNS nameserver.


A summary of options is included below.

Show summary of options.

Where PowerDNS is chrooted

Location of configuration directory (pdns.conf)

Name of this virtual configuration - will rename the binary image

Remote address to query

Remote port to query

Secret needed to connect to remote PowerDNS
Where the controlsocket will live


Show the content of the cache
notify <domain>
Adds a domain to the notification list, causing PDNS to send out notifications to the nameservers of a domain. Can be used if a slave missed previous notifications or is generally hard of hearing.
notify-host <domain> <host>
Same as above but with operator specified IP address as destination, to be used if you know better than PowerDNS.
Restart the nameserver so it reloads its configuration.
Check if the server is alive.
purge [<record>]
Purge entries from the packet cache. If the record name ends with a dollar ($) all entries that end with that name are removed. If no record is specified the entire cache is purged.
Instructs backends that new domains may have appeared in the database, or, in the case of the Bind backend, in named.conf.
retrieve <domain>
Retrieve a slave domain from its master. Done nearly immediatly.
set <variable> <value>
Set the configuration parameter <variable> to <value>. Currently only the query-logging can be set.
show <variable>
Show a single statistic, as present in the output of the list command.
Tell a running pdns_server to quit.
Show usage statistics.
Show the uptime of the running server.
Print the version of the running pdns daemon.


Control socket used to communicate with pdns_server.