pmdasystemtap(1) Systemtap performance metrics domain agent (PMDA)


pmdasystemtap is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which exports metric values from the Linux Systemtap dynamic tracing toolkit.

This implementation uses the stap(1) tool, which is a front-end to the Systemtap toolkit.


In order to access performance data exported by Systemtap from with PCP, it is necessary to perform two configuration steps:
Configure Systemtap probes, and verify them with stap(1). These should be produced in a format that is easily parsed, and then stored in the $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/systemtap/probes.stp file.
Configure pmdasystemtap to extract the values from the text produced by stap. Two example probes are implemented in the default systemtap PMDA script - readdir and sync traces (see $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/systemtap/ for details).

        # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/systemtap
        # [ edit probes.stp, test /usr/bin/stap probes.stp ]
        # [ edit ]

Once this is setup, you can access the names and values for the systemtap performance metrics by doing the following as root:

        # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/systemtap
        # ./Install

If you want to undo the installation, do the following as root:

        # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/systemtap
        # ./Remove

pmdasystemtap is launched by pmcd(1) and should never be executed directly. The Install and Remove scripts notify pmcd(1) when the agent is installed or removed.


probe configuration file for stap(1), run by pmdasystemtap
installation script for the pmdasystemtap agent
undo installation script for the pmdasystemtap agent
default log file for error messages from pmdasystemtap