pod2pandoc(1) convert Pod to Pandoc document model


pod2pandoc [OPTIONS] [INPUT...] | pandoc -f json ...


"pod2pandoc" converts POD format documentation (perlpod) to the abstract document model used by Pandoc <http://pandoc.org/> for further processing to other document formats (HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, PDF, EPUB, docx, ODT, man, ICML...). By default or with input "-" a document is read from STDIN. Multiple input files are combined to one document.

Conversion is based on Pod::Simple::Pandoc which uses Pandoc::Element.


  pod2pandoc Module.pm | pandoc -f json -o Module.pdf
  pod2pandoc Module.pm | pandoc -f json -o Module.html

Or even shorter (not implemented yet):

  pod2pandoc Module.pm -- -o Module.pdf

With processing:

  pod2pandoc --filter 'Header => Para [ Strong [ Str $_->string ] ]' Module.pm


--filter 'SELECTOR => ACTION'
Preprocess the document. See Pandoc::Filter::Lazy for filter syntax.
Print out usage information and exit
Print the full manual page and exit