polygraph-cdb(1) content database manipulation tool


cdb [--option ...] [filename ...]


Cdb creates, updates, and displays content databases. If the database does not exist, the `add' operation will create it. You can add one or more files at a time. By default, contents to be added is read from the standard input. Alternatively, you can specify file names. Cdb assumes that all input files are in HTML-like format. It is your responsibility to strip off any HTTP headers, if needed.


--add <file>
add file(s) contents to the database
--dump <file>
dump verbatim and linkonly objects from database, one object per file
--show <file>
print database contents to stdout
--as <path>
path for dumped object files, default './cdb${name}'
--format <markup|linkonly|verbatim>
split each file into markup tags, adjust links, or add as is, default markup
list of options
package version info


Copyright © 2003-2006 The Measurement Factory, Inc.