Polypack(3) a set of routines allowing polygons to be manipulated in various


PPDIPO - generates and returns the boundary of the "difference" polygon, which consists of all points that are inside the subject polygon but not inside the clip polygon.

PPINPO - generates and returns the boundary of the "intersection" polygon, which consists of all points that are inside both the clip polygon and the subject polygon.

PPUNPO - generates and returns the boundary of the "union" polygon, which consists of all points that are inside either or both of the clip polygon and the subject polygon.

PPDITR - generates and returns a set of trapezoids representing the interior of the "difference" polygon, which consists of all points that are inside the subject polygon but not inside the clip polygon.

PPINTR - generates and returns a set of trapezoids representing the interior of the "intersection" polygon, which consists of all points that are inside both the clip polygon and the subject polygon.

PPUNTR - generates and returns a set of trapezoids representing the interior of the "union" polygon, which consists of all points that are inside either or both of the clip polygon and the subject polygon.

PPPPAP - can be called to preprocess a polygon in such a way as to remove certain peculiarities that can cause minor cosmetic errors in the output from the routines that return trapezoids.

PPPLCL - clips a polyline against a clipping rectangle. It is intended that, eventually, there should be a better routine that will clip a polyline against an arbitrary polygon, but that routine has not yet been written.


#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>



To use Polypack routines, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.


None. All error conditions in Polypack routines are reported by means of an error-flag argument.


Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.