Prima::InputLine(3) standard input line widget


The class provides basic functionality of an input line, including hidden input, read-only state, selection, and clipboard operations. The input line text data is contained in text property.



The notification is called when the text property is changed, either interactively or as a result of direct call.


alignment INTEGER
One of the following "ta::" constants, defining the text alignment:


Default value: "ta::Left"

autoHeight BOOLEAN
If 1, adjusts the height of the widget automatically when its font changes.

Default value: 1

autoSelect BOOLEAN
If 1, all the text is selected when the widget becomes focused.

Default value: 1

If 1, the keyboard "kb::Left" and "kb::Right" commands, if received when the cursor is at the beginning or at the end of text, and cannot be mover farther, not processed. The result of this is that the default handler moves focus to a neighbor widget, in a way as if the Tab key was pressed.

Default value: 0

borderWidth INTEGER
Width of 3d-shade border around the widget.

Default value: 2

charOffset INTEGER
Selects the position of the cursor in characters starting from the beginning of text.
Selects the first visible character of text
insertMode BOOLEAN
Governs the typing mode - if 1, the typed text is inserted, if 0, the text overwrites the old text. When "insertMode" is 0, the cursor shape is thick and covers the whole character; when 1, it is of default width.

Default toggle key: Insert

The maximal length of the text, that can be stored into text or typed by the user.

Default value: 256

passwordChar CHARACTER
A character to be shown instead of the text letters when writeOnly property value is 1.

Default value: '*'

readOnly BOOLEAN
If 1, the text cannot be edited by the user.

Default value: 0

selection START, END
Two integers, specifying the beginning and the end of the selected text. A case with no selection is when START equals END.
selStart INTEGER
Selects the start of text selection.
Selects the end of text selection.
If not undef, contains reference to the scalar that holds the text of the input line. All changes to ::text property are reflected there. The direct write access to the scalar is not recommended because it leaves internal structures inconsistent, and the only way to synchronize structures is to set-call either ::textRef or ::text after every such change.

If undef, the internal text container is used.

Default value: undef

wordDelimiters STRING
Contains string of character that are used for locating a word break. Default STRING value consists of punctuation marks, space and tab characters, and "\xff" character.
writeOnly BOOLEAN
If 1, the input is not shown but mapped to passwordChar characters. Useful for a password entry.

Default value: 0


Copies the selected text, if any, to the clipboard.

Default key: Ctrl+Insert

Cuts the selected text into the clipboard.

Default key: Shift+Delete

Removes the selected text.

Default key: Delete

Copies text from the clipboard and inserts it in the cursor position.

Default key: Shift+Insert

Selects all text


Dmitry Karasik, <[email protected]>.