pt::util(3) General utilities


package require Tcl 8.5

package require pt::ast ?1.1?

::pt::util error2readable error text

::pt::util error2position error text

::pt::util error2text error


Are you lost ? Do you have trouble understanding this document ? In that case please read the overview provided by the Introduction to Parser Tools. This document is the entrypoint to the whole system the current package is a part of.

This package provides general utility commands.

This is a supporting package in the Core Layer of Parser Tools.

IMAGE: arch_core_support


::pt::util error2readable error text
This command takes the structured form of a syntax error as thrown by parser runtimes and the input text to the parser which caused that error and returns a string describing the error in a human-readable form.

The input text is required to convert the character position of the error into a more readable line/column format, and to provide excerpts of the input around the error position.

::pt::util error2position error text
This command takes the structured form of a syntax error as thrown by parser runtimes and the input text to the parser which caused that error and returns a 2-element list containing the line number and column index for the error's character position in the input, in this order.
::pt::util error2text error
This command takes the structured form of a syntax error as thrown by parser runtimes and returns a list of strings, each describing a possible expected input in a human-readable form.


This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category pt of the Tcllib Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.


EBNF, LL(k), PEG, TDPL, context-free languages, expression, grammar, matching, parser, parsing expression, parsing expression grammar, push down automaton, recursive descent, state, top-down parsing languages, transducer


Parsing and Grammars


Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <[email protected]>