pytrainer(1) sport activity logging tool


pytrainer [options]


pytrainer is a tool to log all sport excursions coming from GPS devices (with a focus on Forerunner) or GPX ( files.
Pytrainer supports GPS track files and displays it in graphs, maps...


-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-d, --debug
enable logging at debug level
-i, --info
enable logging at info level
-w, --warn
enable logging at warning level
enable validation of files imported by plugins (details at info or debug logging level) - note plugin must support validation
triggers database (only sqlite based) and configuration file sanity checks, adding fields if necessary. Backup of database is done before any change. Details at info or debug logging level
Turn off new graphing approach
Deprecated option: turn on new graphing approach
Specify the directory where application configuration will be stored.
Specify where logging should be output to. TYPE is one of 'file' (default), or 'console'.


starts pytrainer with log level set to ERROR
pytrainer -d
starts pytrainer with log level set to DEBUG (troubleshooting)


This manual page was originally written by Braulio Valdivielso <[email protected]> and polished by Christian Perrier <[email protected]>. Detailed information and further changes by David GarcĂ­a Granda <[email protected]>.

For more information please check 'Credits' in 'About' menu.

Thanks to everyone who contributes and supports pytrainer.