rax2(1) radare base converter


rax2 [-ebBsSvxkh ] [[expr] ...]


This command is part of the radare project.

This command allows you to convert values between positive and negative integer, float octal, binary and hexadecimal values.


Convert from binary string to caracter (rax2 -b 01000101)
Keep de same base as the input data
Swap endian.
Show randomart key asciiart for values or hexpairs
Convert from hex string to caracter (rax2 -s 43 4a 50)
Convert from hex string to caracter (rax2 -S C J P)
Convert given value to human readable units format
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Convert a string into a hash
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Available variable types are:

  int   ->  hex    rax2 10
  hex   ->  int    rax2 0xa
  -int  ->  hex    rax2 -77
  -hex  ->  int    rax2 0xffffffb3
  int   ->  bin    rax2 b30
  bin   ->  int    rax2 1010d
  float ->  hex    rax2 3.33f
  hex   ->  float  rax2 Fx40551ed8
  oct   ->  hex    rax2 35o
  hex   ->  oct    rax2 Ox12 (O is a letter)
  bin   ->  hex    rax2 1100011b
  hex   ->  bin    rax2 Bx63

With no arguments, rax2 reads values from stdin. You can pass one or more values as arguments.

  $ rax2 33 0x41 0101b

You can do 'unpack' hexpair encoded strings easily.

  $ rax2 -s 41 42 43

And it supports some math operations.

  $ rax2

It is a very useful tool for scripting, so you can read floating point values, or get the integer offset of a jump or a stack delta when analyzing programs.


Written by pancake <[email protected]> and nibble <[email protected]>.