smd-loop(1) iterates smd-pull and smd-push


smd-loop [-vt]


smd-loop runs smd-push and smd-pull at regular intervals as defined by the user in the ~/.smd/loop configuration file. On errors that are reported to be transient, it retries a second time before failing.

The configuration file is line-oriented. Each line is composed of three space separated fields: pull-frequency, push-frequency and endpoint-name. Frequencies are expressed in minutes, while endpoint name is a valid name for smd-pull(1) and smd-push(1). Lines beginning with # are considered as comments. The following example calls the command smd-pull default every 3 minutes, and smd-push default every 10. Example:

    # pull-frequency push-frequency endpoint-name
      3              10             default


Increase program verbosity (printed on stderr)
Just create a template configuration file if none




Enrico Tassi <[email protected]>