youtube-download(1) Download video(s) from YouTube


$ youtube-download bT8yLWy4B5w
$ youtube-download
$ youtube-download < video_list_file


-C, --no-colors
Force disable colored output
-o, --output
output filename, supports `{$value}` format (default: {video_id}.{suffix})
-i, --interval
Download interval (default: 1 (sec))
Use the given proxy. Requires LWP::Protocol::socks to be installed for socks proxies. See examples for syntax. (default: no proxy)
-e, --encode
File system encoding (default: utf8)
-s, --skip
Skip downloading a video, if target file exists.
-f, --force
Force overwrite output file (default: disabled)
-n, --dry-run
Do not download any videos, but print their target filenames, as defined by -o option. This option still sends query to Google servers to fetch details about given video.
-F, --fmt
Video quality (SEE ALSO Wikipedia)
-v, --verbose
Turns on chatty output (default: enabled)
-U, --url
Show playback URL of a video, but do not download it
-q, --quiet
Turns off the most output
-h, --help
Display help
-m, --man
Display help page
-V, --version
Display version
Supply your own user agent string

supported `{$value}` format

{video_id} / {user} / {title} / {fmt} / {suffix} / {resolution}

  $ youtube-download -o "[{video_id}] {title}.{suffix}"
  $ youtube-download -p socks:// -o "{title} by {user} (youtube {video_id}).{suffix}"


Yuji Shimada (xaicron)