- TAU_GET_FUNC_VALS(const char **inFuncs, int numOfFuncs, double ***counterExclusiveValues, double ***counterInclusiveValues, int **numOfCalls, int **numOfSubRoutines, const char ***counterNames, int *numOfCounters, int tid);
C/C++ :
const char **inFuncs; /* The first dimension is functions, and the second dimension is counters */ double **counterExclusiveValues; double **counterInclusiveValues; int *numOfCalls; int *numOfSubRoutines; const char **counterNames; int numOfCouns; TAU_GET_FUNC_NAMES(functionList, numOfFunctions); /* We are only interested in the first two routines that are executing in this context. So, we allocate space for two routine names and get the performance data for these two routines at runtime. */ if (numOfFunctions >=2 ) { inFuncs = (const char **) malloc(sizeof(const char *) * 2); inFuncs[0] = functionList[0]; inFuncs[1] = functionList[1]; //Just to show consistency. TAU_DB_DUMP(); TAU_GET_FUNC_VALS(inFuncs, 2, counterExclusiveValues, counterInclusiveValues, numOfCalls, numOfSubRoutines, counterNames, numOfCouns); TAU_DUMP_FUNC_VALS_INCR(inFuncs, 2); cout << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << endl; cout << "The number of counters is: " << numOfCouns << endl; cout << "The first counter is: " << counterNames[0] << endl; cout << "The Exclusive value of: " << inFuncs[0] << " is: " << counterExclusiveValues[0][0] << endl; cout << "The numOfSubRoutines of: " << inFuncs[0] << " is: " << numOfSubRoutines[0] << endl; cout << "The Inclusive value of: " << inFuncs[1] << " is: " << counterInclusiveValues[1][0] << endl; cout << "The numOfCalls of: " << inFuncs[1] << " is: " << numOfCalls[1] << endl; cout << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" << endl; } TAU_DB_DUMP_INCR();