YSHMCloseSound(3) shared sound buffer closing


#include <Y2/Y.h>
#include <Y2/Ylib.h>

void YSHMCloseSound(

        YConnection *connection,

        void *ptr


Specifies the connection to the Y server, obtained by a call to YOpenConnection.
Specifies the pointer to the sound buffer on the Y server that was obtained by a call to YSHMOpenSound.


The YSHMCloseSound closes a direct pointer to the sound buffer on the Y server. The pointer ptr must have been obtained by a prior call to YSHMOpenSound.

If you receive a YSHMSound event with the minor_op_code set to YSHMSoundClose then the pointer to the sound buffer obtained from YSHMOpenSound is no longer referenced by the Y server and is now useless. You need to reopen the buffer by calling YSHMCloseSound and then YSHMOpenSound to reobtain the direct pointer to the sound buffer on the Y server.

The process of the client and the server must both be running on the same physical machine.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <Y2/Y.h>
#include <Y2/Ylib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

        int length, id;

        void *buf;

        YConnection *con = YOpenConnection(




        if(con == NULL)


        /* Obtain the pointer to the sound buffer. */

        buf = YSHMOpenSound(con, &length, &id);

        if(buf != NULL)


                /* Do something with the buffer here. */

                /* Close the pointer to the sound buffer. */

                YSHMCloseSound(con, buf);


        YCloseConnection(con, False);
