AFFECT ("pattern_date", "ident", "value");
- pattern_date
- : pattern date which may be either : integer (absolute date) or + integer (relative date, the date of the current pattern (last modified using INIT or AFFECT) is the reference). All dates are supposed to be expressed in the same time unit which may be set only once using SETTUNIT.
- ident
Either the name of a bused signal or a scalar. Vectors must be referenced with
their names only, or bit per bit. For example, if b(3 downto 0) exists, you
can affect "b", "b(3)" or "b 3". Path-name must be specified by the
syntax :
- value
The value associated with the signal which may be either a based number
(ex. binary: 0b011 ,hexa: 0x3F, octal: 0o56) or a decimal number. Unknown
value (value where a '*' appears), can be used when dealing with an output,
a signal, a register or an input/output when this last one is to be tested.
Star ('*') can appears everywhere in a BASED number, but the result will be a
"full star" value. (For example, "0B0*10" and "0B***" would give the same
result.) AFFECT is doing automatically the transformation of the value into
a "forced" value or a "tested" value except for the bidirectional connectors
affectation. When and bidirectional is to be tested, a '?' character must be
added before the value (example : "?0x45f*" instead of "0x45f*").
"Affect" a value to a signal. This value will be apllied to the signal, at the specified simulation date, until the end of the simulation or until a new value is affected to the signal. Beware : Inputs have to be affected at the begining of the simulation (first pattern at 0 ps). By default, signals (except Inputs) are affected with a "full star" value at the first pattern.
This fonction also set the current pattern.
SETTUNIT("ps"); AFFECT ("5", "b", "0B1"); result : b < 5 ps> :.....1...;
At simulation date 0 ps the signal b(3 downto 0) receives the value "0001". This value will be kept until the end of the simulation if no more affectation is made.
SETTUNIT("ns"); AFFECT ("0", "b", "0B0"); AFFECT ("2", "b", "0B1"); result : b < 0 ns> :.....0...; < 2 ns> :.....1...;