#include <allegro5/allegro_video.h>
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *al_get_video_frame(ALLEGRO_VIDEO *video)
Returns the current video frame. The bitmap is owned by the video so do not attempt to free it. The bitmap will stay valid until the next call to al_get_video_frame.
Videos often do not use square pixels so the recommended way to draw a video frame would be using code like this:
float scale = 1.0; /* Adjust this to fit your target bitmap dimensions. */ ALLEGRO_BITMAP* frame = al_get_video_frame(video); float sw = al_get_bitmap_width(frame); float sh = al_get_bitmap_height(frame); float dw = scale * al_get_video_scaled_width(video); float dh = scale * al_get_video_scaled_height(video); al_draw_scaled_bitmap(frame, 0, 0, sw, sh, 0, 0, dw, dh, 0);