use base qw(Alzabo::Schema);
This is the base class for schema objects..METHODS
Returns a string containing the name of the schema.table ($name)
Returns an "Alzabo::Table" object representing the specified table.An "Alzabo::Exception::Params" exception is throws if the schema does not contain the table.
tables (@optional_list)
If no arguments are given, this method returns a list of all "Alzabo::Table" objects in the schema, or in a scalar context the number of such tables. If one or more arguments are given, returns a list of table objects with those names, in the same order given (or the number of such tables in a scalar context, but this isn't terribly useful).An "Alzabo::Exception::Params" exception is throws if the schema does not contain one or more of the specified tables.
has_table ($name)
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the table exists in the schema.begin_work
Starts a transaction. Calls to this function may be nested and it will be handled properly.rollback
Rollback a transaction.commit
Finishes a transaction with a commit. If you make multiple calls to "begin_work()", make sure to call this method the same number of times.run_in_transaction ( sub { code... } )
This method takes a subroutine reference and wraps it in a transaction.It will preserve the context of the caller and returns whatever the wrapped code would have returned.