[-c <path>] _untranslated[-f] [-p <path>] _untranslated[-e] _untranslated[-o] _untranslated[-r] [-w <path>] _untranslated[-d] _untranslated[-i] [-t <num>] [eD2k-link]_untranslated[-v]
- [ -c <path>, --config-dir=<path> ]
- Read config from <path> instead of home
- Forks to background.
- [ -p <path>, --pid-file=<path> ]
- After fork, create a pid-file in the <path>. <path> has to contain the filename.
- Configure EC (External Connections).
- Prints log messages to stdout.
- Resets config to default values.
- [ -w <path>, --use-amuleweb=<path> ]
- Specify location of amuleweb binary to <path>.
- Does not handle fatal exception.
- Does not disable stdin.
- [ -t, --category=<num> ]
- Set category for passed eD2k links to <num>
- Displays the current version number.
- Prints a short usage description.
- [ eD2k-link ]
- Adds an eD2k-link to the core.
The eD2k link to be added can be:
- a file link (ed2k://|file|...), it will be added to the download queue;
- a server link (ed2k://|server|...), it will be added to the server list;
- a serverlist link, in which case all servers in the list will be added to the server list;
- a magnet link.