Use Storable to zip up persistent data and unpack/pack to put into Sybase-compatible image field
use Apache::Session::Serialize::Sybase;
$zipped = Apache::Session::Serialize::Sybase::serialize($ref);
$ref = Apache::Session::Serialize::Sybase::unserialize($zipped);
This module fulfills the serialization interface of Apache::Session by
taking the data from Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable and modifying
it to work with Sybase IMAGE fields. Note that you do not need to
quote these values before inserting into the database, and that if you
are using DBI::Sybase, you cannot use the data in a placeholder. If you
use Apache::Session::Sybase as your session class, this will all
get taken care of.
Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable was written by
Jeffrey William Baker <
[email protected]>; the Sybase-specific data
manipulation was written by Mark Landry <
[email protected]>
for use in an earlier version of Apache::Session::DBI::Sybase and
placed here by Chris Winters <
[email protected]>.