A recommender system for Debian packages. To make a recommendation, this application gathers the packages installed through apt and create an user profile based on them. This profile is then used to search for useful packages for a user.This package provides several content-based recommendations approach and each one should provide different recommendations from the others.
- -h, --help
- Print this help
- -i, --init
- Initialize AppRecommender data by indexing the searchable packages in a Xapian database
- -t, --train
- Make training of AppRecommender machine learning strategies.
- -s, --strategy=,OPTION/
Set recommendation strategy. If this flag is not used, the default strategy cb will be used as the default strategy value.
- cb = content-based, mixed profile
- cbt = content-based, tags only profile
- cbd = content-based, description terms only profile
- cbh = content-based, half-half profile
- cbtm = content-based, time-context profile
- cb_eset = cb with eset profiling
- cbt_eset = cbt with eset profiling
- cbd_eset = cbd_eset with eset profiling
- cbh_eset = cbh with eset profiling
- mlbva = machine_learning, Binary Vector Approach
- mlbva_eset = machine_learning, Binary Vector Approach with eset profiling
- mlbow = machine_learning, Bag Of Words
- mlbow = machine_learning, Bag Of Words with eset profiling