use AptPkg::PkgRecords;DESCRIPTION
The AptPkg::PkgRecords module provides an interface to the parsed contents of package files.AptPkg::PkgRecords
The AptPkg::PkgRecords package Implements the APT pkgRecords class.An instance of the AptPkg::PkgRecords class may be fetched using the "packages" method from an AptPkg::Cache object.
- lookup(PACK)
Return a hash (or hash reference, depending on context) for the given
PACK may either be an AptPkg::Cache::VerFile object, an AptPkg::Cache::DescFile object or a package name.
The hash contains the following keys:
- "FileName", "MD5Hash", "SourcePkg", "Maintainer", "ShortDesc", "LongDesc" and "Name".
with values taken from the packages or translation file.
Note that "LongDesc" is generally not useful for AptPkg::Cache::VerFile objects, which refer to the Packages file, as these no longer contain the full description (now in the Translation files).
If PACK is a package name, these additional values are set:
- "Section" and "VerStr".
and the following values are overriden with the translated versions:
- "ShortDesc" and "LongDesc".
Brendan O'Dea <>