archive_write_set_passphrase(3) archive_write_set_passphrase_callback


Streaming Archive Library (libarchive, -larchive)


In archive.h Ft int Fo archive_write_set_passphrase Fa struct archive * Fa const char *passphrase Fc Ft int Fo archive_write_set_passphrase_callback Fa struct archive * Fa void *client_data Fa archive_passphrase_callback * Fc


Fn archive_write_set_passphrase
Set a passphrase for writing an encryption archive. If passphrase is NULL or empty, this function will do nothing and ARCHIVE_FAILED will be returned. Otherwise, ARCHIVE_OK will be returned.
Fn archive_write_set_passphrase_callback
Register callback function that will be invoked to get a passphrase for encrption if the passphrase was not set by the Fn archive_write_set_passphrase function.