Attean(3) A Semantic Web Framework


This document describes Attean version 0.017


use v5.14;
use Attean;
use Attean::RDF qw(iri);
my $store = Attean->get_store('Memory')->new();
my $parser = Attean->get_parser('NTriples')->new();

# iterator of triples and quads
my $iter = $parser->parse_iter_from_io(\*STDIN);

# add a graph name to all triples
my $quads = $iter->as_quads(iri('http://graph-name/'));

my $model = Attean::QuadModel->new( store => $store );
my $iter = $model->get_quads();
while (my $quad = $iter->next) {
say $quad->object->ntriples_string;


Attean provides APIs for parsing, storing, querying, and serializing Semantic Web (RDF and SPARQL) data.


"get_store( $NAME )"
Attempts to find a Attean::API::Store implementation with the given $NAME. This is done using Module::Pluggable and will generally be searching for class names "AtteanX::Store::$NAME".

Returns the full class name if a matching implementation is found, otherwise returns undef.

"get_serializer( $NAME )"
"get_serializer( media_type => $MEDIA_TYPE )"
Attempts to find a Attean::API::Serializer serializer class with the given $NAME, or that can serialize files with the $MEDIA_TYPE media type.

Returns the full class name if a matching implementation is found, otherwise returns undef.

"get_parser( $NAME )"
"get_parser( filename => $FILENAME )"
"get_parser( media_type => $MEDIA_TYPE )"
Attempts to find a Attean::API::Parser parser class with the given $NAME, or that can parse files with the same extension as $FILENAME, or that can parse files with the $MEDIA_TYPE media type.

Returns the full class name if a matching implementation is found, otherwise returns undef.

"negotiate_serializer ( request_headers => $request_headers, restrict => \@serializer_names, extend => \%media_types )"
Returns a two-element list containing an appropriate media type and Attean::API::Serializer class as decided by HTTP::Negotiate. If the 'request_headers' key-value is supplied, the $request_headers is passed to "HTTP::Negotiate::choose". The option 'restrict', set to a list of serializer names, can be used to limit the serializers to choose from. Finally, an "<'extend'"> option can be set to a hashref that contains MIME-types as keys and a custom variant as value. This will enable the user to use this negotiator to return a type that isn't supported by any serializers. The subsequent code will have to find out how to return a representation.
"acceptable_parsers ( handles => $item_role, prefer => $parser_role )"
Returns a string value expressing the media types that are acceptable to the parsers available to the system. This string may be used as an 'Accept' HTTP header value.

If a "handles" role is supplied, only parsers that produce objects that conform to $item_role will be included.

If a "prefer" role is supplied, only parsers that conform to $parser_role will be included.

Parsers are given a quality-value (expressing a preferred order or use) based on the roles each parser consumes. Parsers consuming Attean::API::PullParser are preferred, while those consuming Attean::API::AtOnceParser are not preferred. An exact ordering between parsers consuming similar roles is currently undefined.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface at <>.


Gregory Todd Williams "<[email protected]>"


Copyright (c) 2014--2016 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.