AtteanX::API::JoinRotatingPlanner(3) Query planning role to produce alternative join plans


This document describes AtteanX::API::JoinRotatingPlanner version 0.017


The AtteanX::API::JoinRotatingPlanner role, when used with Attean::QueryPlanner, produces alternatives for join query plans. Specifically, joins of the form (A⋈B)⋈C are rotated to A⋈(B⋈C), with the ability to coalesce B⋈C (e.g. for adjacent BGPs).


"allow_join_rotation( $join_plan )"
Returns true if join rotation should be attempted on the given join plan.
"coalesce_rotated_join( $join_plan )"
Given a Attean::API::Plan::Join plan $join_plan, returns a list of equivalent plans. This is useful when the join can be reduced to a more fundamental plan type, such as merging two adjacent BGP plans into a single plan.


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Gregory Todd Williams "<[email protected]>"


Copyright (c) 2014--2016 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.