AtteanX::Parser::Turtle::Token(3) Token objects used for parsing of Turtle


This document describes AtteanX::Parser::Turtle::Token version 0.017


use v5.14;
use Attean;
my $term = Attean::Blank->new('b1');
$term->ntriples_string; # _:b1


The AtteanX::Parser::Turtle::Token class represents tokens produced and used during parsing of Turtle.


An integer indicating the token type, defined in AtteanX::Parser::Turtle::Constants
The line number in the source text that this token begins on.
The column number in the source text that this token begins on.
The line number in the source text that this token ends on.
The column number in the source text that this token ends on.
An array of values associated with the token (e.g. the integer value of an INT token).


Returns the token value.
"fast_constructor ( $type, $start_line, $start_col, $line, $col, \@args )"
Returns a new token object.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to through the GitHub web interface at <>.


Gregory Todd Williams "<[email protected]>"


Copyright (c) 2014--2016 Gregory Todd Williams. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.