version 2.003DESCRIPTION
The MPD server maintains some general information. Those information can be queried with the mpd modules. Some of those information are served to you as an Audio::MPD::Common::Stats object.An Audio::MPD::Common::Stats object does not update itself regularly, and thus should be used immediately.
Note: one should never ever instantiate an Audio::MPD::Common::Stats object directly - use the mpd modules instead.
Number of artists in the music database.$stats->albums;
Number of albums in the music database.$stats->songs;
Number of songs in the music database.$stats->uptime;
Daemon uptime (time since last startup) in seconds.$stats->playtime;
Time length of music played.$stats->db_playtime;
Sum of all song times in the music database.$stats->db_update;
Last database update in UNIX time.AUTHOR
This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Jerome Quelin.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.