use Authen::Simple::Passwd;
my $passwd = Authen::Simple::Passwd->new(
path => '/etc/passwd'
if ( $passwd->authenticate( $username, $password ) ) {
# successfull authentication
# or as a mod_perl Authen handler
PerlModule Authen::Simple::Apache
PerlModule Authen::Simple::Passwd
PerlSetVar AuthenSimplePasswd_path "/etc/passwd"
<Location /protected>
PerlAuthenHandler Authen::Simple::Passwd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Protected Area"
Require valid-user
Authenticate against a passwd file.METHODS
This method takes a hash of parameters. The following options are valid:
Path to passwd file to authenticate against. Any standard passwd file that has records separated with newline and fields separated by ":" is supported. First field is expected to be username and second field, plain or encrypted password. Required.
path => '/etc/passwd' path => '/var/www/.htpasswd'
A boolean to enable or disable the usage of "flock()". Defaults to "d_flock" in Config.
flock => 0
Any object that supports "debug", "info", "error" and "warn".
log => Log::Log4perl->get_logger('Authen::Simple::Passwd')
authenticate( $username, $password )
Returns true on success and false on failure. Authentication attempts with a username that begins with a hyphen "-" will always return false.
Christian Hansen "[email protected]"COPYRIGHT
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.