Version 20090629SYNOPSIS
"autobox::List::Util" brings all of the functions from List::Util to arrays as methods.
use autobox::List::Util;
my @array = qw/ foo bar baz /;
print @array->first(sub { /ar/ }), "\n"; # "bar"
print [5, 6, 3, 4]->max, "\n"; # 6
print @array->maxstr, "\n"; # baz
print [5, 6, 3, 4]->min, "\n"; # 3
print @array->minstr, "\n"; # foo
print [1 .. 10]->shuffle, "\n"; #1 to 10 randomly shuffled
print [1 .. 10]->sum, "\n"; # 55
print [1 .. 10]->reduce( sub { $a + $b } ), "\n"; # 55
This method behaves nearly the same as the first function from List::Util, but it takes a coderef not a block because methods can't use prototypes.reduce(coderef)
This method behaves nearly the same as the reduce function from List::Util, but it takes a coderef not a block for the same reason. It also has a bug (see BUGS)shuffle
If called in scalar context it returns a reference to an array instead of a list. This allows shuffle to be chained with other calls.max, maxstr, min, minstr, sum
These methods behave exactly the same as their List::Util counterparts.AUTHOR
Chas. J. Owens IV, "<chas.owens at>"BUGS
The reduce method works with $main::a and $main::b, not your current package's $a and $b, so you need to say
print @array->reduce( sub { $main::a + $main::b } ), "\n";
if you are not in the main package. Reduce uses $_, so it doesn't suffer from this problem.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc autobox::List::Util
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Copyright 2009 Chas. J. Owens IV, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.