ax25spy [-options]DESCRIPTION
ax25spy (someday it will be written) ...
- -b
- black and white (non-colour-mode) (-d -M and -m are always b/w)
- -c
- shows all call-sepcific mheard-data. You can use -v and -F here
- -d
- starts dx-cluster-spy-mode
- -f
- writes all received ax.25 data to the file /var/lib/ax25/ax25spy. The file contains the raw ax.25 data, as received from the kernel. Each packet is preceeded with an (int size). If the file could not be opend/created ax25spy will be aborted.
- -F filterexpression
- shows only those ax.25 packets, which header contain filterexpression as substring (doesn't work yet). In connection with -m or -q it shows only the data of calls, which contain filterexpression (The Filterexpression is casesensitive!)
- -I
- shows only ax.25 packets with infofield (I and UI)
- -m
- shows the global mheard-data
- -n
- ???
- -N
- shows all new QSO detected
- -p
- shows only frames, which contain IP
- -q
- shows all qso-sepcific mheard-data. You can use -v and -F here.
- -Q
- be quiet
- -s
starts spy, requires -F for selection.
You can give a call, part of a call (in uppercase) or a qsoid with -F.
you can see all QSOid using -qv
Example: ax25spy -s -F DG9EP
or ax25spy -s -F 23 - -S <qsoid>
- starts spy on qso with id <qsoid>
- -t
- shows the timestamp of the packet
- -T
- shows only the header of ax.25 packets and the header of embedded protocols but without any data
- -v
- be more verbose
- -V
shows the version of the program
ax25spy -c
ax25spy -m
ax25spy -q
ax25spy -qv
ax25spy -q -v -F DB0IZ
ax25spy -s -F DG9EP
You may want to use the watch command with ax25spy -m or ax25spy -q