axl(1) afnix cross librarian


axl [options] file...


prints the help message

prints the program version

create a new librarian

extract from a librarian

write a detailed list of the files in the librarian

write a short list of the files in the librarian

[f] file
set the librarian file name

[m] name
set the the start module


axlinvokes the cross librarian utility. A librarian is a collection of files that are read by the interpreter. A librarian is similar to an archive. The idea is to store a complete project into a single file and let the interpreter to find them. A librarian is created with the coption. Extracting a file or all files is performed with the xoption. Both options cand xare mutually exclusive. The start module can be set with the m.


The current version is the 2.6.2release.


The distribution comes with an extensive documentation. The documentation is available onlineor in the docdirectory in the form of formatted xhtml documents.


axlhas been written by ([email protected]) Amaury Darsch.