OpenURL utility functions
This module contains methods for the parsing of reference metadata
into OpenURLs. Although we have aimed to make it 1.0 compliant,
there may well be errors (please let us know if there are!).
- $openurl_hash = Biblio::Citation::Parser::Utils::trim_openurl($openurl)
This method takes a hash of metadata, and returns a
hash that contains only valid OpenURL fields.
- $openurl_hash = Biblio::Citation::Parser::Utils::decompose_openurl($openurl)
This method aims to enrich an OpenURL metadata hash
by applying various parsing techniques to the fields.
It decomposes dates into years, months, and days if
possible, fills in the appropriate fields if SICIs are
present, and ensures URLs, ISBNs, etc, are valid. It
returns a pointer to a hash containing the modified
metadata, and an array of errors (if any).
- $openurl = Biblio::Citation::Parser::create_openurl($metadata)
This method creates and returns an OpenURL from a metadata hash.
No base URLs are prepended to this, so this should be done before
using it as a link. URI::OpenURL should be used to generate OpenURLs
in place of this function.
- $valid_isbn = Biblio::Citation::Parser::Utils::isbn_check(@isbn_chars)
This is a simple function that takes an array of ISBN characters, and returns true if it is a valid ISBN.
- $sici_hash = Biblio::Citation::Parser::Utils::parse_sici($sici)
This function takes a SICI string, and returns
a hash of information parsed from it, including
date information, issn numbers, etc.
- $bici_hash = Biblio::Citation::Parser::Utils::parse_bici($bici)
This is not yet implemented, but will eventually
be the BICI alternative for parse_sici.
- $escaped_url = ParaTools::Utils::url_escape($string)
Simple function to convert a string into an encoded
URL (i.e. spaces to %20, etc). Takes the unencoded
URL as a parameter, and returns the encoded version.