Bio::PhyloNetwork::TreeFactoryX(3) Module to sequentially generate


use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::PhyloNetwork;
use Bio::PhyloNetwork::TreeFactory;
# Will generate sequentially all the 15 binary phylogetic
# trees with 4 leaves
my $factory=Bio::PhyloNetwork::TreeFactory->new(-numleaves=>4);
my @nets;
while (my $net=$factory->next_network()) {
push @nets,$net;
print "".(scalar @nets).": ".$net->eNewick()."\n";


Sequentially builds a (binary) phylogenetic tree each time next_network is called.


Gabriel Cardona, gabriel(dot)cardona(at)uib(dot)es


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.


 Title   : new
 Usage   : my $factory = new Bio::PhyloNetwork::TreeFactory();
 Function: Creates a new Bio::PhyloNetwork::TreeFactory
 Returns : Bio::PhyloNetwork::RandomFactory
 Args    : -numleaves => integer
           -leaves => reference to an array (of leaves names)

Returns a Bio::PhyloNetwork::TreeFactory object. Such an object will sequentially create binary phylogenetic trees each time next_network is called.

If the parameter -leaves=>\@leaves is given, then the set of leaves of these networks will be @leaves. If it is given the parameter -numleaves=>$numleaves, then the set of leaves will be ``l1''...``l$numleaves''.


 Title   : next_network
 Usage   : my $net=$factory->next_network()
 Function: returns a tree
 Returns : Bio::PhyloNetwork
 Args    : none